There is probably no single more important piece of hardware on the drum set, but yet, we often overlook or don’t consider its importance to our well being in our drumming experience. Let’s take a look into the world of thrones, which you will see, is something that may make you rethink something you’ve always taken for granted.
What is a Throne?

It would seem that a throne is just a glorified name for a chair. But, it is much more than that. This is something that is specific to a purpose, and as musicians know, it is crucial to have the right tool for the job. Let’s look at the components that make up a throne.

The foundation of our balance starts with the throne base. This base rests on large rubber feet, which keep the throne from sliding as the player exerts movement.. The tripod of the throne base provides stability against downward and lateral forces, which simply means “It keeps us balanced”. This helps us feel comfort as we navigate the kit, while supporting our posture. Gibraltar offers a “Super Foot” that has an extra-wide footprint and gives the player additional stability
Three Different Ways to Adjust Height

Telescoping - Non spindle


Next up is the height adjustment. Raising or lowering a throne for our specific needs in regards to posture is vital, and there are a few styles of height adjustment to choose from. A “Spindle Height Adjustment “ is done by spinning the attached seat top to raise or lower the seat A “Pneumatic Height Adjustment” uses pressurized gas to raise or lower the seat. And finally a “Telescoping” non-spindle height adjustment that is similar to raising or lowering a cymbal stand in a base. This type of throne comes with a memory lock to secure the player’s set height. To feel confident when sitting carries into our performance. Keep in mind that as our needs change, thrones can be adjusted to suit our needs. Younger players who are still growing, will adjust as they grow taller, for instance.
Another thing to consider is how you move when you play. Some players prefer to have a rock solid base upon which to balance themselves. Those players would be best suited with a Spindle Height Adjusted throne base or a telescoping height adjust throne base. Others who like to bounce a bit, and swivel left and right would probably enjoy a Pneumatic style base.
Different Types of Seat Tops

Round - Vinyl

Round - Airtech

Saddle - Cloth

Saddle - Neoprene
More than ever, we have many choices in seat tops. We can choose a firm, medium or soft top, which is very much like the process of choosing a mattress. How about a backrest for added stability and help with posture? Do you prefer a round top, or a Moto style top? Gibraltar also offers many choices in what covers the padding in that throne top. Vinyl, cloth, Air Tech and Neoprene tops can influence your long term confidence in your seating. The tops will then connect to the height adjust post on the base of the throne.
Assessing Your Needs
Some things to consider when choosing a throne are how long you plan to sit. Are you playing a three hour show, or practicing a half hour a day? Is the throne going to be broken down often for transport, or stay in a practice environment? Take into account the size of your body and the wear and tear you put it through during a playing session. Be kind to yourself, and get the best throne for your needs. The throne is literally holding the most important piece of the puzzle: You.